How can I join this great work?
You can be a full partner in bringing Christ to the first Nations by contributing a portion of your offerings to the Lord’s work. We know that the Bible teaches the priciple of sowing and reaping. Your tithe should go to the work of your local church. But the radical blessings that radically change lives come from the offerings beyond the tithe.
A farmer who, instead of planting his seed, decides to eat his seed, seals the self-fulfilling prophesy of his doom. “God, help us to be frequent and consistent sowers that we may never see preventable want.”
What is the right amount for me to contribute?
You may be able to sponsor kTb Ministries for a whole year…and God bless you if you are led to do that. Please pray seriously about a significant monthly contribution, even a “Widows Mite” will be a blessing.
Ken and Thurleen Bain are Mission Service Corp missionaries. This gives you the opportunity to contribute deductable gifts and at the same time be certain that all that you give will reach the mission work that you choose.
To DONATE TODAY click or contact kTb Ministries by email: