Georges Creek Publishing, KTB Ministries


Many of you have been waiting for my book.  It is a "family portrait" of the Bible.

  • From the standpoint of the Hebrew people.
  • And also now, the Body of Christ.

A profound, but easy read...

$19 plus $700 shipping and handling
Over 260 pages, including a unique End Times section with Charts

Amazing story that includes the Jews, God's chosen people.

And, the amazing story of Grace to the Gentiles.


  • Providentially spared
  • 1500 years of Tabernacle/Temple Worship
  • Yet prone to sin and times of unbelief
  • AD 70, Diaspora (the dispersion)
  • AD 1948, Ribbon restored (Jews returning)
  • Significant believing remnant survives the Tribulation to enjoy Messiah's coming Millennial Kingdom

Out of Idolatry and abject Paganism, they didn't know God, know who He was, or even scarcely know that He existed.

  • Full redemption available by the blood of Jesus Christ, preached by Paul
  • Salvation by grace through faith, alone
  • Jewish Law and affiliation not required
  • Eternal relationship in Christ by faith
  • Faith: Just take God at His word
  • Life Eternal. Abundant life now



Heaven's Blue Ribbon


KTB Ministries, missionaries with Native American believers


Since 2007, our fundamental goal has been to provide connectivity between successive mission teams and Native American people in order to ensure a comprehensive ministry effort that is consistent and continuing. …To teach, mentor, and equip indigent leaders  …who in turn will do likewise.
